New Moon in Virgo
Our New Moon in Virgo, conjuct Mars at one degree, brings in new Ideas and Inspirations for Creativity & Romance! Fiery Mars energy wants to move us forward in a dynamic way, this is tempered by Venus Loving Calm to focus on our highest aspirations, and Mercury joins in to assist us in communicating our deepest Desires with honesty and clarity.
As we journey deeper into our Autumn season of Gathering & Harvest, we rejoice in the good efforts of the Year that have produced a bountiful & beautiful harvest, the work of our Hearts & Hands.
Now, with Virgo New Moon, let us meditate upon the continued Harvesting and Preserving of that which has yielded the greatest Bounty in our lives, giving Gratitude for the Blessings.
Virgo New Moon will initiate us into a deeper Love & Acceptance of ourselves and our place in the World. A greater appreciation of, and inspiration towards, our efforts to Create and Manifest our Dreams!