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NOVEMBER 16: THE EMOTION CODE with Anya Shepelavey

  • The Ivy Yoga School (map)

Are Negative Emotions Sabotaging Your Heart’s Desires?
Learn How To Release Negativity and Clear the Path to Your Heart.

If you are ready to emerge from the shadows of your life this workshop will explain how to release the trapped negative emotional energy from your past that are keeping you stuck in patterns of not honoring your Self.

Overextending yourself in order to meet everyone else’s needs eventually catches up with you and leads to things like resentment, anger, panic, anxiety, overwhelm, loss of control and helplessness. Behind these symptoms are subconscious negative trapped emotions that are causing you to feel trapped and incapable of making changes in your life that are in your best interest.

Stressors and unresolved conflicts from our past, as well as those from our parents, grandparents and even further back, are influencing our behaviors and beliefs that keep us repeating negative patterns and feeling unable to change them.

The Emotion Code uncovers these hidden stories that have been running your life. In the process of releasing these negative trapped emotions what emerges is the authentic story of who you truly are in your heart. Emotion Code sessions leave people feeling peaceful, expanded, whole and more solidly connected with their Self.

In this workshop I will be sharing:

• what trapped negative emotions are and their impact on well-being
• what constitutes healthy expression of emotional energy
• basic principles of energy healing
• how The Emotion Code works and its benefits
• a guided meditation to help ground emotional energy
• real-time release of negative trapped emotions from willing volunteers!

Anya Shepelavey, MPH, CECP
Anya is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Shamanic Healing Practitioner and part- time organizer. Anya’s passion is to guide women who don’t feel seen towards claiming space in the center of their lives so they feel free to live authentically and joyfully from the heart. Anya offers both in-person and remote sessions. For more information visit